otto snow AS 1st rev 01
otto snow AS 1st rev 01

Physicians and Authorities Who Knew and Did Not Contact Authorities

Practitioners and Some of the Authorities Who Were Told About the Brutal Torture at St Joseph’s Hospital Nashua NH

None of these practitioners and authorities did anything. They were told prior to BD Hughes MD’s arrest. I had repeatedly contacted the authorities in the state. I was told that my mother would have to do this and not me. None of the practitioners would even do a write up of how this affected me, or how medical environments affect me.  So I have to relive this over and over, with every practitioner since.  I can not have my life and get written up like another psych patient to get processed.  An analogy is the rape victim that gets repeatedly raped as bystanders don’t want to get involved and look at their feet.  I want it to end. I don’t want to suffer anymore.  I demand validation, a little respect, help to connect and get justice.

Dr. VonOldenburg (witness, a participant in the torture and conspiracy of silence) Nashua NH

Dr. Fontana (witness, a participant in the conspiracy) Nashua NH

Dr. John Dunn (participant, gave my mother the ECT’s against her will). Nashua NH

Dr. Martin Fleishman, (ME) saved my mother’s life by getting her off of the anticholinergic drugs but did nothing to contact the authorities as to what was being done to patients. He had to be given a veiled threat to stop the Mellaril and give her another medication, Navane, which is less anticholinergic.  She was disabled as the result of the torture and I had to care for ever since.  

Dr. Trinkle, ME. Referred this discussion to my psychiatrist.  

Nicholas Gess Assistant AG. Bangor Maine. He did nothing. What is weird with Gess is that later he was a lobbyist for defense companies.  Yet, he was more interested in covering up dirty officers and withholding exculpatory evidence so that I could defend myself.  Or allow me to talk about all the defense workers who were being drugged, sexually assaulted. The parents of kids were so drugged by Hughes and his cronies that they would talk about classified projects.  The KGB would hang around in the bars and nightclubs in the area and pay for this information from disgruntled employees of Sanders, now BAE Systems.  

People explained it to me that Gess was as bad as the terrorist officers, Pratt and Hayden.  All he was interested in was money.  That’s why no one gave me a piece of chalk and access to a blackboard cause they knew that I was innocent.  This area of Maine makes money destroying the lives of people ‘from away,’ as well as their own people. Honest Maine State Police officers and several others provided me with information on the illegal phone taps and dirty politics of the area.  

Maybe someday Maine will be an honorable state, stand up for its mistakes and represent the people and not just their own interests in the positions that so-called ‘authorities’ hold.  Hopefully, in the future there will be laws making it illegal for the prosecutor’s to do this and the state and federal government liable for injustices such as this. 

Dr. Paul Goodman, ME. He saved my life. He saved my mother’s life.

Dr. Brian Roebuck, Spring Hill FL. Referred this discussion to my psychiatrist.

Dr. Thair Dieffenbach. Spring Hill FL.  Dr. Dieffenbach saved my life.  I was so out of it with trauma by the time that I was in Florida. Although told about what Hughes was doing, and giving her the videotapes, she never contacted the authorities.  And at the very first visit, she promised me my medical records when I moved on.  She never did this. I speculate that it was the addiction to methadone and later the double mastectomy that may have been a factor.

Dr. Cadena. Spring Hill FL, used to be a professor of psychiatry.  He did nothing to tell the authorities.

Dr. Michael Hall, Brooksville Fl. Referred this discussion to my psychologist/psychiatrist.

Dr. James Cummings, Brooksville Fl., I was told that Dr. Cummings went to medical school to become a psychiatrist but didn’t like it.  Can’t blame him. Referred this discussion to my psychologist/psychiatrist.

Dr. Raghu Devabhaktuni. Hudson Fl.  Dr. Raghu Devabhaktuni was repeatedly told how patients were being sexually assaulted and how the authorities in NH were doing nothing.  He did nothing.  He would not do a write up of what I had experienced and how this affected me and how the environments affect me.  Just another pill mill in a strip mall that is common with foreign physicians coming here.  

Hughes MD was arrested on 6 counts of sexual assault.  He committed suicide. Fontana MD was arrested, convicted of kiting, counterfeiting money over 10$ million, served 6 years in prison.  

I was given the wrong medicines for decades under the care of Devabhaktuni MD.  I was misdiagnosed because of his incompetence, for his profit, when I should have been given competent help and lived a normal, productive and happy life.

Doctors Who Knew
Doctors Who Knew
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