otto snow AS 1st rev 01
otto snow AS 1st rev 01

Next Step

Next Step

I had been in communication with the DEA concerning Hughes, but they couldn’t do anything to stop him.  Palmer (sp?) with the NH   State Police was only interested in arresting the women victims. I told him that the women were being drugged and assaulted. The DEA had told me that he had a lock-tight case against Hughes that fell apart. I asked Palmer if he had heard of Hughes. He said no. I felt that he was untrustworthy. These women have been harmed enough. He threatened to arrest me if I stepped foot in NH. I told him, maybe he could do it in front of the Union Leader or the Nashua Telegraph so that everyone could see how NH handles dope-dealing doctors and the abuse of women.

I had called the White House to get their thoughts on doctors drugging patients to oblivion and was only told, “we have heard about that,” but offered no solution.

The anti-cannabis movement was big, the ‘new scapegoat’. Like chemistry and science are getting to be in America today. The new ‘boogie-man.” The smoke and mirrors as America is drugged to oblivion with big pharma poisons. We need patient rights.

Helicopters were going into California. Armed men with automatics were pulling up plants. A friend had a friend who had a small farm with half a dozen plants. He described the Black Hawks coming in and soldiers everywhere going into the large fields. The person got his wife and two young children into a closet. They were terrified. A soldier came into the house, opened the door of the closet, and saw them. He said that they would not be harmed and they could come out. I was told he did not raise his voice and told them that the soldiers were burning the large grows. No one was going to harm them, destroy their property or take their few cannabis plants.

So in 1985, in Hancock Maine. My parents are complaining about the bad taps. We were having a hard time making phone calls and the people on the other end of the line were also complaining. It was the heyday of the cocaine smugglers on the coast of Maine. Banks were full of money from drugs. I could go a few miles from our house and watch boats off loading. New England has always been a smuggler’s coast. But it’s a democracy, and because we are free, we can choose right or wrong. I liked neurochemistry, my father liked defense electronics, and my mom, used to like math and cooking great meals, but after the ETC’s that changed. I had to help her to learn again. We used my grandmother’s old cookbook. She was able to do math again, but she would never drive again, was afraid of medical and to be alone.

September 1985 – Someone calls and I was talking about the Katine. I was waiting for the German journal article describing the doses that the German researchers were using. I had some books that the Dyer Library had loaned me. They were so nice to connect me with a great uncle Lowell Innes. And I was waiting for the article. I said, maybe 300,000 doses per half barrel, maybe 600,000 doses on phone, with all the echoes, clicks and feedback sounds.

My parents felt that I should let it go trying to get any ‘authorities,’ to do anything to investigate or stop Hughes and his cronies. They focused me on getting my company going. I have always had projects. I have always had people to bounce ideas with or I get overload with too many scenarios, I have to be careful not to get sidetracked by stupid or people who don’t represent my interests.

One development company that I called had said that they would help me if I had more products.

My parents asked, “what is the next step?” MDMA had been banned and was non-patentable. EVE was still available but again was not patentable. So I got out my journal articles and a piece of paper, scribbled some notes, and did some calculations. Called a few companies and they had the intermediates, but it was by the barrel.

It’s easier buying by the barrel than a few kilos in the US. Over-regulation, overpricing, companies buy overseas by the barrel. Even MDMA was readily available in bulk overseas before the ban.

All my life, I have had navigators, not to get lost in variables, to stay focused, and was always told, one step at a time, “next step.”

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