otto snow AS 1st rev 01
otto snow AS 1st rev 01

Maine State Police Fired

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Col. Andrew Demers, pedophile. Birds of a feather, flock together.  This is what we have in the Maine State Police.  And not one of the officers who were seeing what was going on stood up for me against these monsters.  My life ruined, my father to die a slow and painful death, and I had to care for him.  The honest officers did supply me information thru the ‘grapevine,’ and no one listened to me.

Michael Pratt, not a role model for younger officers.  This is what Maine State Police officers, who are honorable, don’t want on the force.  Law enforcement must always maintain a higher standard.  Pratt was the perfect example of ‘bad officer, dirty cop’.  The ‘officer in charge’.  A ‘bad apple,’ that rots the bushel.  Slapped me to the side of my head with a stack of skin magazines, screaming that they are illegal, (that I don’t have free speech, freedom of the press) as he has sex with informants, does illegal phone taps, terrorizes innocent folks ‘from-away,’ destroys business coming to the state, and lies under oath. lies under oath.  This monster screaming that all mushrooms are illegal except those in the stores, to destroy industry trying to come to the state, my intent, my dream.  He terrorized and threatened my elderly parents for money as Dennis Hayden did.  Dirty officers are unwelcome in any honorable law enforcement agency.

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Ex-Maine State Police chief pleads guilty to sex assault

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