otto snow AS 1st rev 01
otto snow AS 1st rev 01

Otto’s First Editions Stolen

First Edition Book Thefts.

I come to Bangor. I can barely walk. I am only sleeping 3 hours a night from the years of severe isolation, my body twisted, my ear ringing from the head-on. They get me walking. Feed me, and bring me across the lake from where I lived with my grandparents. All electronics are off. We go for walks in the forest. And I start to sleep longer and eat organic foods.

We go back to Bangor. And the MD that I had been writing to was a sham. I had been told that there were many MDs. But they all have left the ‘holistic center.’ Then St Joes didn’t take flash drives to load my records, neither did EMMC. They are talking Mainer double talk. They say that they have security software on their computers, but that they don’t take flash drives because of viruses. My medical issuance company issued them. This doesn’t make sense, but I would find out that nothing here makes sense. It just milling and fraud.

I am not introduced. Just ‘good luck with that.’ The people are retarded. And when I say this, I am corrected, am told ‘diminished capacity’. Unfriendly, unwelcoming. Just looking for what they can get out of others. This because of generational abuse, lack of jobs, and lack of opportunities. I am told that I can meet people at the ‘together place,’ which is drug rehabilitation, which is an economy here. And then the ‘brick church,’ a place for the homeless. Then to Unlimited Solutions International, a place for diminished capacities and pedophiles that other members with challenges are not being told about.

Jack Yatsko at Clubhouse International has some sort of ax to grind with anyone who wants the public to know that Clubhouse International is profiting from babysitting pedophiles. Clubhouse International is sucking money from state and federal programs while placing people with mental challenges in danger by being around sexual predators. Never mind not training people with ‘mental challenges,’ how to even use word processing software, and telling members that they can pick out of the trash for cans to bring for redemption to buy food. Not asking members if they are homeless or need medical attention. Maybe Jack can also elaborate on why staff members bring their children into an area that babysits individuals on the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website.

I go to find locations to get groups going. No public spaces open. I am told it costs so much for rent at churches. Some want me to get insurance. I want to get groups going to prevent suicides and support groups for those with PTSD. I am told that they don’t like to talk about ‘suicide’ prevention. Isolation causes suicides, and PTSD with no solutions is an economy as well. People calling to the ‘crisis line,’ get hung up on, dismissed or the police are sent to bring people to Acadia to be drugged and processed for profit, spit out onto the streets with no solutions.

I am not introduced to anyone to understand the area. The area likes to dictate a socialist candy-coated way of speaking, stripping freedom of expression too, “I am sorry you feel that way.” A friend who is blind goes into the federal building and is patted down like a terrorist. He tells them to ‘fuck this’. They call the police and the police say, “its free speech”. People are sick and tired of the bull shit repressive politics of sloth in Bangor Maine.

People say, “there are good people here,” so I say, intro me… I get no response. Its like myna birds, just lip service. It’s not hard to ring my doorbell and ask me if I would like to go for a walk. Welcome to Bangor Maine, where everyone waits for someone to do something, and nothing ever gets done.

I go to some meetup groups and am robbed of seven cases of the first edition of the LSD books. Worth about 50k. A majority of the last books, that I saved for almost 2 decades. Which I was going to sell to start businesses and groups. And all I get is, ‘good luck with that.’ I go to the library to see if I can do a reading of my LSD book as there has been an uptick in studies across the globe because conventional psychotropics are just plane poison, don’t work, and people are suiciding from them. I am told that they would have to get someone to talk against my book. And I never get a callback. These people are not even human.

No one can run computers. They can’t cook. They say they want tech, but do nothing to accommodate it. I told them, I can’t survive… and they just give more of the, have you tried calling… and when people call businesses, they don’t call back. And it’s constant. The social welfare has destroyed whatever, ‘the way life should be,’ with how much can we get out of you, the system, or any tourists that might come here.


A common description of the area by ‘Massholes’ as the area describes people from Massachusetts moving here, is the area is ‘ass-backward’.

I came up and struggled all my life to get a few years where I could be creative, loved, and get going some molecules that would kill the cancer that killed my father. I have ways of saving lives and understand the biochemistry of PTSD and how to prevent suicides and I am treated like the ‘new n*****,’ in Maine. People here don’t even recognize that other people exist outside of their own shallow selfish lives.

And people say that they don’t want change. Yet they are getting it, people want out of here as the area goes into deeper decay. 21 miles of the rail line into Eastport would open the state up to international trade, with the deepest seaport on the east coast that doesn’t need to be dredged mechanically. But like everything in the area, people want someone else to do that.

Medical is a constant argument. They are not current. They don’t read my records. They just dictate. What would take medical anywhere else to handle on the spot is milked by medical with hoops and hurdles? And when told this, practitioners get hostile and confrontational. Its a mill. Both PCHC and Northern Lights. And as people come apart, are attacked with psychiatric diagnoses that perpetuate the profit from the decay of human lives in the area.


The politicians don’t court businesses. Physicians are leaving. Asking people questions, they answer with lots of I don’t know. I did meet tourists who wondered if everyone was stupid in Maine. I told them that there had been generations of inbreeds. They had a huge Winnebago and wanted to travel the state, but couldn’t get any answers and were leaving to go to another state to see attractions and where people are friendly and accommodating.


I guess that I made a mistake coming here. The federal funding needs to be slashed to the state until the ‘do nothing,’ politicians do something, anything to create and accommodate business here and represent the people. No one seems to want tech, work, entrepreneurial minds here. It might rock the complacency of the socialist economy, that entitles people not to work, as the socialist medicine profits from their misery.

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