otto snow AS 1st rev 01
otto snow AS 1st rev 01

Weird Phones in Hancock Maine

Open Post

Hancock Maine

The folks had moved to Hancock, and the phone was sounding real weird. My parents noticed it, then their friends noticed this as well when they used the phone. The feedback sounded like moving a guitar too close to the amp. We called the phone company and they came over and there was ‘nothing’ wrong on the line. It seemed to clear up and then it would pop, and we could hear the feedback of another open line.

We knew the sound of phone taps as NH has one of the highest rates of phone surveillances in the nation because of Sanders. NSA has always had roving taps, it’s for our protection. They are listening for subversives. Not if you were going to rob a bank, but for national security. The feedback, echoes, and pops on the phone with old tapping equipment was a problem, for both a person making a call and those doing the interception of the conversations. In Nashua, the taps would come in, and then would move on.

In Hancock, the phone calls sounded like talking into a long hallway when another line was open. The feedback, echoes, and pops on the phone call continued.

People had been telling my parents and myself that there were dirty officers in the state police since we came into the area. And they were doing shakedowns. My father’s buddy said that a gang of state troopers had gone to his lobster pound and were questioning him on  if he landed his plane in the lobster pound and was flying drugs in.

He laughed, “how can a plane land in small pound?” The officers had also had gone into a private home and threatened people when they had called and requested a morphine refill for a relative that was dying of cancer.

I had friends in law enforcement and grew up with law enforcement. Phone taps were considered unreliable as there had to be people on the ground to verify. We did not think much of this as a judge would have called the authorities and the FBI. There would have been an investigation of any officers suspected of indiscretions, because that is what is done when there are dirty officers in other states.

The phones in my parents house was so bad, even my parents friends where having a hard time making phone calls and wondering what was going on.

Several years later, I would find out that many cases were getting thrown out in the courts. When the gang of officers were asked on the stand where they had obtained their information for the warrants, they could not answer, cases thrown out. And everyone was seeing this…. And when it comes to fourth amendment rights…. we were ‘from away,’

and we are prey…

Hancock Maine

The folks had moved to Hancock, and the phone was sounding real weird. My parents noticed it, then their friends noticed this as well when they used the phone. The feedback sounded like moving a guitar too close to the amp. We called the phone company and they came over and there was ‘nothing’ wrong on the line. It seemed to clear up and then it would pop, and we could hear the feedback of another open line.

We knew the sound of phone taps as NH has one of the highest rates of phone surveillances in the nation because of Sanders. NSA has always had roving taps, it’s for our protection. They are listening for subversives. Not if you were going to rob a bank, but for national security. The feedback, echoes, and pops on the phone with old tapping equipment was a problem, for both a person making a call and those doing the interception of the conversations. In Nashua, the taps would come in, and then would move on.

In Hancock, the phone calls sounded like talking into a long hallway when another line was open. The feedback, echoes, and pops on the phone call continued.

People had been telling my parents and myself that there were dirty officers in the state police since we came into the area. And they were doing shakedowns. My father’s buddy said that a gang of state troopers had gone to his lobster pound and were questioning him on  if he landed his plane in the lobster pound and was flying drugs in.

He laughed, “how can a plane land in small pound?” The officers had also had gone into a private home and threatened people when they had called and requested a morphine refill for a relative that was dying of cancer.

I had friends in law enforcement and grew up with law enforcement. Phone taps were considered unreliable as there had to be people on the ground to verify. We did not think much of this as a judge would have called the authorities and the FBI. There would have been an investigation of any officers suspected of indiscretions, because that is what is done when there are dirty officers in other states.

The phones in my parents house was so bad, even my parents friends where having a hard time making phone calls and wondering what was going on.

Several years later, I would find out that many cases were getting thrown out in the courts. When the gang of officers were asked on the stand where they had obtained their information for the warrants, they could not answer, cases thrown out. And everyone was seeing this…. And when it comes to fourth amendment rights…. we were ‘from away,’

and we are prey…

Otto would like to see the formation of a Federal Bureau of Medical Investigation under the DOJ.  To be able to access all patient records when a physician is suspected of predatory activities as other physicians do not come forward.

There is a need for a Federal Bill of Patient Rights.

In 1985, officers Michael Pratt and Dennis Hayden, of the Maine State Police, did an illegal phone tap, lied to a judge to get a warrant.  Otto and his parents were brutally terrorized for money.  He was arrested under two false counts.  Otto was permanently disabled as a result of this terrorist action.  This incident was never investigated by the DOJ.  He is seeking justice in this matter.  Otto is asking that all the officers who were witness to this terrorist home invasion stand up for him.

He is demanding to look at the FBI investigation of these officers, which has been withheld from him.

Otto envisions the formation of the Federal Department of Public Restitution to investigate and compensate victims of law enforcement injustices, lawlessness, and acts of excessive force.

The US is lagging in the sciences across the globe.  Otto envisions a clearing of all student debt for medical and science graduates.  In the future, all advanced science courses should be at no cost to US residents.

All federally funded research that is published must be made open source.

Love, kindness, patience, understanding, and standing up for others can heal more lives than all the pills, and talk.  Take an active role in helping others.

Support Neurodiversity, we are the future!

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